Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Well I said I,d introduce you to my other Baby, he' a very BIG, BIG, BIG baby.  Just over 1 year.  Leo is his name, Leo the Leonberger.

I'll be back in tomorrow with more info on Leo and a cute puppy picture too, lights out time peeps. Nite Nite to all, thanks for popping by. 

Morning all, as promised a puppy pic.

He is 8 weeks old here, and could only hide away under my car[4 wheel drive] for a week,  cause he is a growing monster.  A handsome one though!

Leo like my Pug  Sammy,  Leo also has a collection of  names,  Buddy Bear,  Buddy Beast,  Beast, Teddy bear, Lee-Lee and Lee.
Leo loves nothing more than cuddles, kisses, more cuddles 'n' kisses and yes cuddles 'n' kisses all  day long. A BIG baby in every sense.  Oh and he's still growing, more filling out going on at the moment, yep a Beast!


  1. He is very cute. I like how his face is darker, like maybe he's been rooting around in something, looking for trouble.

  2. wow he's sure is a great big gorgeous bundle...look at that adorable face..I'm sure Buddy and Leo would have great fun playing together...thanks for sharing...hugs kath xxx

  3. it is incredible that they look so cute when young and so big as they grow up, I have one similar just love em don't you
    Hugs Kate xx


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