Wednesday, 18 July 2012

CHA Wedding Cake

Over on the Craftwork Card blog today I spied my cake that I designed and created especially for Craftwork Cards to take over to the CHA show in Chicago.  The wedding cake is my very own design/template.  It is decorated with the gorgeous Sweet Pea papers, Blooms and Candi  from Craftwork Cards.  And then a whole lot more!!!! Plus time!!!!  And Love!!!!  Of course!!!!

Well it is just a quick post as I'm soooo busy with other crafty yumminess!  Hope you enjoyed sharing my cake with me!!!!


  1. ...beautiful work! full of gorgeousness, this takes altered boxes to another level...Mel :)

  2. Wow, Karen, how long did that take? Its going to blow their socks off at the CHA!. Sue x

  3. wow this is megamazing.... i just love it and what a wonderful keepsake for any newly married couple
    Lisa x


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