Thursday, 13 September 2012


Well it's not like I've not been blogging at all - I'm CRAFTWORK CARDS new blog coordinator and well it's having a little face lift too - so over here I'm sorry to say has been a little (a lot) neglected.  Whoops and sorry all in one X  But I'm going to post a little of what I've created over at Craftwork cards.  THE BIRDCAGES which are available in 3 different colour ways.  I loved designing and creating all these lovely cages some shabby some classic all gorgeous especially when I hung them from my Christmas tree ( that was still up in the conservatory-not a traditional tree before you think lazy moo but a chunky platinum glitter branch-like tree effect)  The tree is going to the GREAT NORTHERN PAPER EXTRAVAGANZA (GNPE Tickets here) to showcase my beautiful birdcages and all the other LUSH Crimbo decorations I'm creating and I'm going too.  YeY I'm demonstrating all weekend long for Craftwork Cards and I can't wait as I LOVE LOVE LOVE all things Craftwork Cards - who wouldn't when you can create things like these birdcages X

The 'BOHEMIAN' Birdcages X

The Sweet Pea Birdcages X

The Candy Cane Birdcages X

Well it's been a long time and I'm in and out as quick as a flash - so much to do - BUT I'm back X  I hope you like my birdcage beauties as much as I do and they are so easy to make up and sooooo much fun to decorate.  You can go cocktail crazy with decoration or hold right back - but I think the cutest thing about them all is the dressed up mannequin's and robin red breasts that both sit on the perch that rests inside the birdcages X

Love and Huggles to all


  1. ooh they are fabulous ... i will be at the GNPE on the Sunday with 3 other blogging buddies.. so i will definitely be dropping by to say Hello.Look forward to it
    Lisa x

  2. ...awesome makes...loVe what you have achieved here very inspiring indeedy...Melxx :)

  3. OMG Kassa, I am blown away by your magnificent birdcages, they are amazing....
    Thanks for the wonderful comment you left me on my blog
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  4. Thank you for getting back to me about the GNPE Karen, and for your lovely comments you left on my blog, what a lovely thing to say.
    I will deffinatly come over and say Hi at the shhow. I wll be there Sunday. See you then.
    Your blog is delightful and I am now a follower!


From time to time i'm sorry to say that I will have to turn on comment verification - tis spam city over here at the moment - thank you for understanding xoxo