Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Ranger Ink Guest Blog Art - Make Impossible Possible

Hi there beautiful friends
I'm ever so excited as I'm back over guesting on the Ranger Ink Blog with a tutorial on how I created this 'make impossible possible' art.  I take you through my process step by step (including piccys) and give you an ingredients list too so you can create your very own kaleidoscope of color with the Dina Wakley lush stash that I lovingly used eeeeep!

Here's the link my friends - hope you enjoy my easy to follow steps - let me know what you think eeeeep!

PRESS HERE to hop over to the Tutorial on the Ranger Ink Blog :-)))


  1. Your work always makes me happy - it's always beautiful and colorful!

  2. So love the texture you created with the colors.

  3. Utterly delightful Kassa, such an intriguing design xxx

  4. You always delight with your gorgeous colours Kassa, off to have a closer look! Hugs, Anne xx

  5. This is gorgeous! Thanks to people like you, I now know what I want to do. Thank you!!
    sandy xx

  6. waue this is amazing - i am working on a canvas to looking like that, but now you gave me the finally inspiration. thank you.

  7. jUsT lOve your art its gorgeous, now friend with you on instagram to

  8. What a wonderful art this is.
    Thanks @ xspins


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